Dr. Igor de Oliveira, respected doctor in our city of Caratinga for his humanitarian attitudes and competence with which I had been keeping in touch for some time and which has been providing some great medical services, volunteered to organize better our health care of the recuperandos.

Our intention is to set up a doctor’s office by the end of February 2016, complete, the best possible equipped, for basic care, and he personally coordinate the process of implementation and management of the same.

He himself will look for other medical volunteer workers, and he will create a pharmacy getting medication, and giving regular medical apppointments to the recueprandos.

We conclude that APAC will fully support this initiative with: equipment room, a permanent nursing technician, test equipment, etc.

From today the doctor will be referred to the Health Coordinator of our APAC. We go on with the battle for the recovery of those convicted of justice, because “every man is greater than his mistake.”

Thank you all.

Pr Elan M Tebas



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9º CONGRESSO DAS APACs / 9º Congress of APACs