My journey began on the sad Sunday afternoon. When I got my car and let it air blowing. Back into my house to say goodbye to the children and my beloved wife. And it was time to hit the road.

Children with sad little faces, seemed to be wanting to cry. Wondering anxious the day I would return. With my broken heart would say, “I do not Know when I am coming, but I surely I am coming back, when it will happen, only God can tell you.”

My wife was running in my direação, with sad face but joyfuly at the same time. She held me by the hand and began a beautiful prayer.

Then she jumped on my neck and gave me a big hug. With tears streaming into her eyes, she said: “My beloved, go with God.” Then He wished me good luck.

So I pulled my truck, and the first kilometers away from the city I began to remember my dear family, already gave me longing. It seemed to be over forever.

With my heart full of pain, what hurt me most was when I looked right and saw the image of my children in the rearview.

Yeah, this is my suffering profession. It heats the hearts and leaves many wounded. But with all these difficulties, I bear it because it is from this that I get my livelihood.

But as they say in one Music, fate is cruel and treacherous. And it was not so kind with this poor truck driver. The sad fact happened this my trip. I will remember forever this sad page of my story.

In a fuel station. In the city of Ponta Pora, I met some friends, one of them showed me a man. I talked to him. I barely knew that started my horror.

I received this gentleman, a different and tempting proposition. Then grew on me, a devastating greed. Without thinking on my family, in the chest there was only ambition. It was then I let him to put drugs in my truck.

But today I learned a lesson, that even with all the difficulties, the dishonest money only brings the curse. And because of greed, ambition and vanity, I also lost my freedom.

I leave a message to all Brazilians, especially the truckers my brothers, that the money acquired in crime never leads to anything. I lost the smile of my children and the arms of my beloved wife.

Jânio Aparecido de Souza

APAC of Itaúna City, Minas Gerais State




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