FBAC thanks the Executive and Legislative powers of Itaúna City, for the presentation and approval of the Law nº 62, of 2nd December 2015, writen by the Mayor Mr. Osmando, who authorized the concession of the right of municipal property use, for ten years, to FBAC – Brasilian Fraternity of Assistence to the Convicts. This property will be used for the construction of CIEMA – International Centre for Studies of APAC Method.

During the hearing at City Hall, Valdeci Ferreira , CEO of FBAC, explained to the present the historic of the request and the intention of FBAC for the near future. He thanks all asking them to appreciate positively the request: “Since now, we wait your colaboration and comprehension for this noble cause, asking the noble aldermen a rapid and good apreciation of the present process.”

The project was approved by councilors unanimously. All aldermen spoke with words of thanks and encouragement, citing the names of Valdeci, Dr. Paul, Rinaldo, Rachel, Ligia, volunteers and staff of FBAC and APAC.

At the end of this year of 2015, FBAC thanks God for this great Christmas gift. Now it is time to unite our strengh, so that we can togeter, make the dream of building a International Centre for Studies of APAC Method, a reality.

All are invited to participate at the Celebration which will take place on 20th March 2016, for the blessing of the foundation stone of the CIEMA.




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9º CONGRESSO DAS APACs / 9º Congress of APACs