The Secretary of State for Social Defense, Bernardo Santana, said last Monday, 21st September, that the government of Minas Gerais State, Brasil, will invest in the ampliation of the Social Reintegration Centres whice follow the Method of the APAC´s (Association of Protection of the Convicted). The manifestation of this commitment was during his speach in the course for judges about Method APAC, that was organized by the Justice Courte of Minas Gerais and the Brasilian Fraternity of Assistency to the Convicted (FBAC), in the city of Itaúna.

“It is impossible not to see that the actual penitenciary system need to be changed. It is not enough to apply the sentence. We should change the comportament of the ones jailed. The APAC, without demerit of other methodologies, is something we should invest in, and make it to grow. It is one of the ways to face the dificulties and pains of the penitenciary system.” Said Bernardo Santana.

The founder of the APAC Méthod, Mário Ottoboni, a man of 84 years old, came from the city of São José dos Campos/SP, where he lives, in order to honor the course. He took place in the conferency of the Secretary Bernardo Santana and said highlighted the importancy of the course to convince the judges about the qualities of the Méthod.

Photo: Oswaldo Afonso

Source: Secretaria de Estado de Defesa Social



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9º CONGRESSO DAS APACs / 9º Congress of APACs