19th May 1942

Was born in Barra do Piraí (RJ), Franz de Castro Holzwarth, son of Franz Holzwarth and Dinorah de Castro Holzwarth;

10th August 1942

Franz was Baptized in São Banedito Parish, Barra do Piraí Town, by Monsignor Clemente Mueller, having his God Parents Dr. Onofre Infante Vieira and Ligia de Castro Martins;


Franz started his law studies on Law Faculty of Right of Vale do Paraíba, on São José dos Campos City, São Paulo State. 


Franz started to work as administration assistant of the Courte Judge of Jacareí – SP.

14th July 1968
He enrolled on OAB (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil – Lawer Association of Brazil);


He entered in APAC of São José dos Campos City, São Paulo State. 

14th February 1981

Franz de Castro died during a riot of Public Jail of Jacareí – SP, after he took the place of a police man as a hostage.


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9º CONGRESSO DAS APACs / 9º Congress of APACs