The APACs received three visitors from Southern Corea. Dong Sub – General Director of the Somang […]
FBAC participated of the course organized by the Court of Justice of Minas Gerais – TJMG […]
On 21th September, Dr. Mário Ottoboni met the FBAC staff and he manifested his joy to […]
Several recuperandos received the Sacrament of Confirmation in the APAC of the city of Paracatu. Monsignor Jorge […]
The program The Journey of the Prisoner is an unique opportunity for the recuperandos to deepen […]
The APAC of Pedreiras – Maranhão will realise the Week of the RECUPERANDOS from 14 to […]
One year more with so many dificulties! 84 years of life, and from these, more then […]
The last Thursday, 27th August, the APAC of São João Del Rei received the visit of […]
The last Saturday, 29 of August, the APAC of Teófilo Otoni spread the Program for all […]

9º CONGRESSO DAS APACs / 9º Congress of APACs