On 18th May 1942 was Born, in Barra do Piraí city, Rio de Janeiro State, Franz de Castro Holzwarth, son of Franz Holzwarth and Dinorah de Castro Holzwarth. Franz was a a skinny kid, but with broad strokes of intelligence. When he finished the Secondary School, he went to live in Jacareí-SP, where he started the Law Course. In 1965, Franz went to work as administrative assistant of the Courte Judge of Jacareí, and on 14th July 1968, he started his law career. 

Once, at the middle of 1967, he wrote to a priest who was his friend: “However, what matters to me in life is Christ, and take Him to the others as a priest. There is, insite me, a desire for total dedication. I wait in God to do his will. I am ready for what he calls me…” In that way, trying to discern his vocation, Franz went to attend the diaconate course in Sacred Heart Convent, of the Dehonianos Priest, in Taubaté City, São Paulo State.

Franz was invited to evangelize the prisioners and prepare them for their Confirmation. Was there where he found his true vocation: to work with the sentenced. In 1973, Franz entered in APAC (Association for the Protection and Asistence to the Convicted). Since them, his efforts, and his time and all in his life was dedicated to this apostolate.

Even being a successful worker, he chose to live a simple and humble way. On 14th February 1981, during a rebellion in Jacareí Town, he and Mário Ottoboni, were called to mediate the negociations. It was big the tension between prisioners and police, until a horrific shooting claims the life of the Servant of God.

A man died and a Martyr was born, an example of life, of solidarity, of love and Christian presence. Franz


até que um terrível tiroteio ceifa a vida do Servo de Deus.

Morria um homem e nascia um Mártir, um exemplo de vida, de solidariedade, de amor e presença cristã. Franz fulfilled his final mission as a man of peace and justice.

Because of this and given the request of those who closely knew the life and apostolate of Franz de Castro, São José dos campos Diocese, started on 6th March 2009, the Beatification Process of the Servant of God.

As part of the process, it happend on 12th November of this year the translocation of the remains of Franz de castro to the City of São José dos Campos, with its enthronementin the main Church of São José dos Campos, on 17th November where he rest, waiting the decision of the Church about his holiness postulated as a model for all other Christians.


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9º CONGRESSO DAS APACs / 9º Congress of APACs