The APACs received three visitors from Southern Corea. Dong Sub – General Director of the Somang Prision, Mooel Kim – Education and Edification Director, David Lyon – Relation Public and International cooperation Director and the interpreter Nelson Hong, who is corean but is living Brasil for some years. 

Sir Dong Sub said that he is impressed by the peace and serenity he saw in the APACs. According to him, the experience of the APACs in Brasil will contribute a lot to make their prision much better, specialy were he is the director.

The FBAC is happy to know that there is a prision in Southern Corea that got inspiration from the Brasilian APAC. FBAC reafirms that this work is from God, and wish that the APAC may continues inspiring other people to look for concrete alternatives for the recuperations of the ones who desire it.

May the blessing they received from the recuperandos cross the oceans and take hope to the asian continent. We ask God to bless them, protect and stay in their hearts.






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9º CONGRESSO DAS APACs / 9º Congress of APACs