The organizing team chose the theme for the 8th Congress of the APACs as “We are all recovering people”. And the motto: “Reconciling families, recovering the convict and pacifying communities.”

The 8th APAC’s Congress will be held in the city of São João del Rei. It will be a great moment of sharing and renewing hope.

Therefore representatives of APACs from Brazil and abroad participate in this great event. It will be up to the APACs Men and Women of São João del Rei to organize the event, together with the FBAC.

All APACs and sympathizers of the Achaean movement are invited, from now on, to participate, either by participating in the contest for the hymn of the congress, or by praying for the success of the congress. We are together!

Equipe organizadora do VIII Congresso das APACs



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9º CONGRESSO DAS APACs / 9º Congress of APACs